Showing posts with label Gluten-Free. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gluten-Free. Show all posts

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Bam Bam Broth Gluten Free Product Review

Paleo Penicillin Arrives

Health, strength and deliciousness. The back "bone" of our ancestor Paleo lifestyle is very valid today. 

Boiling bones is the most normal and primal food choice. Or it was at least. So how many of us today are boiling bones? Hmm. mmm. Not enough I'll admit myself!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

I Heart Keenwah Gluten Free Product Review

 I heart Keenwah snacks

Imagine bite size square snacks that are perfectly shaped, crunch in your mouth and have desirable taste, ingredients and leave you satisfied. Welcome to I heart Keenwah, taking the quinoa snack to a whole new level and taste experience. The founder, Ravi, was touring Bolivia and learning about the quinoa grains. He immediately became smitten over a ready to eat snack and pitched the ideas to his grad school friends. They concept was born and they went to the kitchen mixing quinoa to find a crunchy treat as we see today in the cluster snacks. 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Gatherer's Granola Gluten-Free Product Review

 Gatherer's Granola

Here's my Gatherer's Granola observations: It's obvious, they have better granola ingredients and taste to take you through your day and adventures ahead. Inspired by the cute fuzzy animals out there who gather, burrow, and even scavenge day-to-day to get by, this concept of "gathering" has been birthed by Sandro Gerbini (jazz musician) out of Schenectady, NY. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Recipe For Healthy Kale & Sausage Chebe Balls

Just look at those beauties, you can't eat just one! Chebe bread (manioc flour) dry mixes are so easy anyone can be a chef, even me!  The gluten-free certified dry mix is basic so you can add your favorite greens, meats, beans, cheeses, etc. Pick and choose what to slice and dice so that you're bread balls are much more nutritious than the typical products on the market today. Everyone I've made them for (even the gluten-free skeptics) found them delightful, with their warm baked aroma, crispy outside and soft chewy interior. What I love about Chebe is each time I make them, regardless of a few ingredients changes, they always are quick and delicious, guaranteed!

Chebe products are verified gluten-free by Celiac Spru Association (CSA) whom test for <5ppm. The FDA gluten-free guide only recommends <20ppm gluten threshold and Celiac's should feel much safer about Chebe Bread than other products on the market.  Cheebe Bread is also free of all grains, soy, potato, yeast and MSG! Chebe FAQ - get all of your questions answered about what works, allergies, and tips. 


  • Choose your favorite Chebe dry mix as any of them can be used. However, I often use the original mix.
  • Organic eggs
  • Slice and dice large handful of organic kale
  • Slice and dice handful of (pre-cooked) natural/organic chicken sausage or other "meat".
  • Use kombucha instead of water (water may be needed while molding balls)
  • Coconut oil 
  • cheese (shredded, sliced or sour cream) optional


1. Preheat oven to 375° F.
2. Blend Chebe Original Bread Mix with 2 tbsp. oil, 1 cup shredded cheese (sharp or hard cheeses work best) and 2 large eggs. Slowly blend in exactly 1/4 cup water.
3. Knead dough with hands until it is smooth. (if gets too sticky just add more water into your hands)
4. Divide dough into 16 pieces, rounding each into a ball shape. Place 1-2" apart on ungreased baking sheet
5. Bake 20+ minutes until lightly browned. Serve warm and enjoy. Insides will be soft and chewy. (all ovens vary)

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Healthiest Lifestyle On The Planet Excludes Gluten

Almost 18 years ago, I was forced to convert to the mysterious gluten-free diet with my Celiac Disease diagnosis. Nobody in my family or friends had ever even heard of what the heck gluten was and yet my current and long term health was now dependent on avoiding gluten without medication. It wasn't a nightmare though, because the more I read and learned, I realized that gluten was found in all of the the foods that I ate that were unhealthy, addicting and affected my sports aspirations and everyday health. Gluten-free food is sprouting, harvesting, swimming and grazing all around you... not found in a box.

Avoiding Medication Is Amazing!

There is no cure or Rx treatment for Celiac Disease. That may be scary to most people, but hallelujah for others!  Are you saying that I can treat myself and prosper by avoiding gluten, a grain found in certain grains that are commonly associated with obesity, food addictions and not be dependent on taking pills?  Amaaaaaazing! It is more complicated than that for me and others, but critics will tell you that eating breads, pasta, pastries and various other common wheat based products are perfectly fine. However, I think anyone with common sense will tell you that eating in moderation is fairly okay, but when you realize that avoiding gluten and wheat based products have show significant improvements in gut and brain health then perhaps you should make your own opinions about what's good and bad for you. When people diet they cut out the sweets and snacks, and those are mostly made from gluten and high sugars. The main stream media and the uneducated public will always believe alternative lifestyles are crazy, stupid or fads, because someone is always affected, such as wheat farming industry, and other culinary based gluten industries. Do you realize that most cultures in the world already adhere to a near gluten-free diet but tend to include cultural breads and pastries? Let's look at the low fat diets that had way too much sugar or calories in the products and were merely fads. For gluten-free living, there is no fad here, and there is no drugs necessary, just requires an honest education and will power to change bad American eating habits.

Obtaining A Food Education 
Saved My Life

I was tired of eating the same gluten-free foods everyday and knew that something better was out there than a basic salad, plain chicken, potatoes and the occasional gluten-free sweets. However, I didn't know what to do or where to find the unknown ahead. I went to farmers markets, read cooking books and and watched chef TV shows, attended lectures on gluten-free health, and asked family members questions who were wise, like my brother, a former organic farmer.  Gluten-Free diet has taught me about all of the amazing leafy green vegetables, alternative grains that have more protein, shopping for more diverse fruits, trying new things like making kombucha and nut/coconut milks, new spices and tasting new meat and fish products.  For the critics that tell you gluten-free dieting is unhealthy or dangerous if you don't have Celiac Disease, they are protecting themselves or hiding something. Yes. Everything I Just mentioned above is gluten-free unless it's contaminated in the farm, manufacturing kitchen, your own kitchen, or a restaurant kitchen with gluten because gluten is littered in the eco-system! Our Paleo ancestors and recent family survived for thousands of years on the countless yet basic options in the world with or without grains like gluten. So ask yourself, how are the thousands of food options that are legitimately natural, diverse in nutrients and minerals, unhealthy for those who are attempting a gluten-free diet without Celiac Disease? Simply it's not and it's a very healthy lifestyle if you gather a well-rounded food education that we rarely receive in an American family home and don't get in schooling.  American food is typically fast food, unhealthy coffee chains, hot dogs, burgers, chips and soda. How many of these are you consuming per week, per day? I plan ahead by bringing snacks like nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetable with me to work, on the train traveling, in the car, always having re-usable water bottles and other tasty and nutritious packaged treats that I use only when being active and exercising on the go, so that I don't subdue to impulsive 'cravings'.

Gluten Free Packaged Goods 
Only In Moderation

Gluten-Free products at Wholefoods, Sprouts, Wegmans, Natural Grocers and found at Walmart, Albertsons, Target and Safeway may be growing by the day and tastier than ever before, but are not actually good for your body and mind. The kid in all of us crave chocolate, bagels, easy dinners, pretzels and snacks, and we are so ecstatic to find a gluten-free option that is NonGMO, Organic, and we buy it at high cost and eat those food replacements as they're easy and don't require any cooking, just like me. As a newly diagnosed Celiac, or another auto-immune Disease, child who is just being a child, or the average converter to lose weight, must realize that these replacement options have very limited nutrition in them because they're processed, and you're not adhering to the gluten-free lifestyle correctly by choosing real food first. Gluten-free foods may be easing your Celiac Disease or other health and behavior needs, but you're not going to be long-term healthy and happy until you develop a holistic, full education on health and nutrition which starts with learning how to cook and why GMOs and other foods are may be dangerous for you. You don't have to replace anything from your former life, you should create new food from real natural ingredients and enjoy this second chance at living well with your family and friends. However, I have seen many new nutrient dense products with alternative grains, seeds, nuts, veggies and removed unecessary sugars, fats and carbs appearing in the market and that's a great sign ahead! It's fun to learn, it's invogorating to try new foods solo or with others (and you can share them on Instagram or a blog) and being in tune with  how your gut and mental health will save your life.

Listen & Look Carefully At Your Body Signals

Don't get grossed out by the body noises, appearance and scents that you create. They dictate your health and often guide you for change and treatment. Your bowel movements, stomach/gut and brain are not lying to you... The proof is is right there as you analyze yourself. Get more comfortable with what's happening inside and out and discuss concerns with family, friends or someone who may be able to connect with you and go to a doctor that is right for your needs. 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Namaste Foods Gluten-Free Product Review

If you're gluten-free or have any food allergies, then you must know about Namaste Foods, or your life is about to improve dramatically! Namaste Foods has better ingredients and tastier products than typically found on gluten-free shelves. The team from Namaste Foods is real, passionate, healthy and wicked smart! Their products are NonGMO, top 8 allergen-free and certified gluten-free safe for Celiac Disease as they're committed to providing safe and delicious baking mixes and seasonings (breakfast, entrees, dessert treats) and quick meals like pastas and soups! I met Daphne and her team at Expo East food trade show and now I feel closer than ever to Namaste Foods as they're a regular in my kitchen cabinet.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Kitchen Table Makers Gluten Free Product Review

About Kitchen Table Makers

The Kitchen Table Bakers offers a unique gourmet wafer crisp, made just about entirely from parmesan cheese! If you appreciate aged cheese such as a parmesan's scent and taste, but demand a strong and sturdy chip, then you will fall in love at your first hello. Kitchen Table Makers are a NY business first starting in their own kitchen during Summer of 2003.These baked parmesan wafer crisps are first grated fresh and flatten in just a few minutes in the oven. They were a Martha Stewart Made in American candidate as well as winning two gold awards from National Association for the Specialty Food Trade. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Natural Products Trending From Expo East


Expo East 2013 natural food show was terrific! There were new products seeking distribution and existing products that were making heads turn. So when you walk down the aisle of your grocery store tomorrow, one that actually has innovative and natural products vs a traditional grocery who rarely has organic and/or gluten-free, there likely will continue to be even more trending ingredients on the shelf snagging your eye heading into next year...

  1. Ingredient Transparency: More than ever founders, marketers and their team are in tune with all of the raw ingredients, manufacturing protocol and food allergen information vs the past. Each chooses their own list of priority but it's good to see that they are more aware and open to share.
  2. Gluten-Free (GF): Albeit this phrase is almost everywhere and it's on many labels not everyone is getting GF certifications. Brands find it a real health issue, but as for consumer product labeling (A) brands believe it's still too expensive (B) claim the product already is "naturally gluten-free" despite it's possible contamination and don't need labeling (C) it's on their list of allergens to certify and/or self test
  3. Non GMO: It was the #1 buzz word this year and I was loving it! Look out for the documentary GMO OMG and go bring everyone you know to watch and support it. Very few vendors were from another planet not featuring this a selling point and/or knew nothing about this practice. 
  4. Chia: The miracle seed is found in everything from water, flavored drinks, milk, crackers, flours, chips, breads and tons more
  5. Raw: Everything and it's mother is raw including solo and combos of coconut water, tea, kombucha, maple syrup water, super veggies and energy bars
  6. Energy Bars: Look out for organic meat, jerkys, chia, raw fruits and veggies, veggie proteins and chocolates. Copy cat traditional brands are following yet look at how different the ingredients will be. 
  7. Kale: It's in and around everything. Perhaps the wise President Clinton's affinity for kale helped a bit ;) but it's better to have this on the market than a GMO corn chip that America still consumes. 
  8. Chips: I found the names of chips to be more creative yet also experienced they have less seasonings on the chip compared to the double sided coating that is out there! Even traditional brands have opened emerging divisions to offer a more natural chip product making them more competitive in this growing space.
  9. Popcorn: Smart, air popped, no oils or butter, flavored with truffle oil, half popped, non GMO, it was popping everywhere without the pooping!
  10. Water: Since we can't live without it, there continues to be innovation from different sources such as deep underground American resources, Korean, maple syrup trees, coconut, vitamin enriched this and that.


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Nuwi - Quinoa Smoothie For Everyone Gluten-Free Product Review

There has been a sharp rise of gluten free ingredient, quinoa, into the alternative lifestyle over the past 10 + years. I like this movement. What hasn't been done yet with quinoa until recently though, according to my research, is a delicious gluten free morning rich  smoothie/snack drink to start your your day.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Gee, Thank You, Whole Foods.

It is a fact, Whole Foods has hooked me up with a big a$$ bag of GF products for sampling. I met with Heather @ the Cherry Creek, Denver CO location on a gorgeous sunny day, 7pm. We talked GF shop, laughed even skipped down the aisles together as she took me on a thorough explanation of some of the newer products in store. Heather was kind enough to let me put a variety of foods in my bag that I had not tried, such as; chips, salsa, dairy free ice cream and cheese, pasta, sauce, nut butter, granola, chips and more. I think I gained weight just thinking about all of this food. Sooooo, over the next few weeks as promised, I"ll provide a few passages on how these foods taste, smell, look and sell as a GF consumer.

Please leave your thoughts as necessary party people...