Thursday, January 7, 2016

Epic Acquisition by General Mills Big Food

Has the small guy taught the big bully how to be nice? Only time will tell, but how much time and how much change? 

Hooray or Hmmm?

Have you ever eaten one of these delicious Epic Bars? You can find Epic at nearly every natural food market and grocery, along with some of the local stores and big food chains. They're amazing, any flavor actually (beef, chicken, bison and bacon). Epic products are gluten free, paleo friendly, low in sugar and scream about their grass fed animals and epic changes of land regeneration, sourcing and certifying humane treatments of animals. As of today, Epic Provisions is now part of the General Mills family of brands. Are we excited?

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Bam Bam Broth Gluten Free Product Review

Paleo Penicillin Arrives

Health, strength and deliciousness. The back "bone" of our ancestor Paleo lifestyle is very valid today. 

Boiling bones is the most normal and primal food choice. Or it was at least. So how many of us today are boiling bones? Hmm. mmm. Not enough I'll admit myself!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Everbest Bakery and Pastry Shoppe Gluten Free Fail


Interesting photo to asses here. Why? We have a traditional bakery and a uniquely dedicated gluten free retail store, side by side, in East Northport, Long Island. Although it may be difficult to see from a distance, on the right is the "Strictly Gluten Free" retailer and "Everbest Bakery & Pastry Shoppe" (couldn't find their website) on the left. Yet these opposite businesses are both promising gluten free products. Hmm mm m, this is going to end bad unfortunately for one of them, can you guess who? 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Going Grainless Is Gluten Free

Is grain free healthy, what is the truth?

If you're reading here then you're already a step ahead in health conscious behaviors. Which ones you decide to abide by and where you cross the line if you do, is up to you and your choices. So you're probably not surprised about grainless (paleo) lifestyles and how they've trended fast and furious to the mainstream. And when I say trend I mean it, because it's a proven, conscious, educated way of living that's not based on a false claim or a silly spokesperson like in the past fad diets of old. Grain free is gluten free and it's a real lifestyle based on our ancestors from thousands of years ago who were hunters and gatherers. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Backyard farming vegetables and grazing animals

Look out your window, do you have property that is just wasted space for grass? Or do you have land for being more sustainable to have a small or even larger farming area?

As committed gluten free consumers in this world, we must stay in control without risks. Growing your own food is the primary way to regain the lost control and salvage your hard earned money from buying packaged food each week or even multiple times when you have to read labels and trust other brands for gluten risks. Having a small garden or a small farming space would be ideal for healthy living plan in 2016!