Saturday, March 1, 2014

List Your Top 10 Food Ingredients

These foods should be what you shop for regularly and are found in your refrigerator or in your kitchen table. Utilizing your top 10 ingredients to make simple and complex meals enable you to be sure you're getting enough vitamins and minerals throughout the day. Since it was nearly impossible to only list 10 I put a few substitutes that I put in my rotation... If you can't make your own list today, look at mine and see how yours may compare and figure out ways in which you can learn more about gathering these foods by planting vegetables seasonally or trading with neighbors and friends! Also, notice the foods that are NOT included.

My Top 10 Daily Foods (In no particular order)

  1. cabbage 
  2. onions
  3. tomatoes
  4. quinoa or buckwheat
  5. kale or spinach
  6. nuts (peanuts or almonds) and peanut butter
  7. eggs
  8. chicken or fish
  9. grapefruit or orange
  10. green tea

Could I Grow or Gather Food? (If you have land, grow food not grass)

  1. vegetables (Seasonally yes you can or buy organic local)
  2. nut butter (yes but you need to likely buy nuts and kitchen blender components) 
  3. quinoa or buckwheat (likely need to buy unless you have a sizable land)
  4. Chicken (Call you state or local zoning department to build a chicken coop!) 
  5. grapefruit or orange (Unless you live in a very warm year round client, you buy)
  6. green tea (Most tea requires a warm winter climate so you need to buy)

Gluten Cross Contamination

Based on the short list above I can eat dozens of raw and cooked meals. Some of my favorite are salads and soups which never get tiring when you get creative. There also isn't any gluten in those very common foods except from the #1 killer - cross contamination. Yes. It's gluten cross contamination that is found in farms, manufacturing and production facility as well as every day in restaurant kitchens that harm innocent people. The safest foods above are farm fresh organic vegetables, but everything else including green tea, can have gluten contamination in the glue to seal the tea bag or from a facility. It's a sad truth and a likely culprit for those random days when you "thought" you ate gluten-free, but still got very ill.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

There Is No Kinda Gluten-Free


Kinda Gluten-Free Isn't Real

There is no such diagnosis or diet plan called, kinda gluten-free. People often ask me if gluten-free diets can exist half way or partially in some manner. I am not a doctor, but I do laugh at the idea of shedding the truth about gluten sometimes since I've been committed for over 17 years, so let me tell you that my answer is No. Always No. And 99.9% of doctors will say No. You cannot go partially on a gluten-free diet when you are A) Diagnosed Celiac B) Gluten Intolerance C) Non Celiac Gluten Sensitive D) Have shown improvements removing gluten. 

You may feel "better' with less gluten because you've removed some common gluten related foods such as pasta, breads and cookies. That diet plan should first hand make you think about what you really just did, regarding the removal of nutrition weak wheat pastas, wheat flour, high sugar and dairy is something to consider learning more about. But if you don't go all in gluten-free (as mentioned below) then you're not gluten-free, you're not gluten-free, and you're not gluten-free. You are on a diet that removed pastries, pasta and breads, leave it there and do not refer to it ever as going gluten-free. 

Gluten-Free Only Has One Definition

Gluten signifies a 100% removal of gluten (wheat, barley, rye, malts, etc) and that includes any contamination that likely exists at restaurants and packaged goods. To ensure a gluten-free diet one must obtain a massive food education (yes it can be overwhelming at first, but fun second) and discover food brands (small and large corporations) who obtain a trustworthy certified gluten-free verification for <20 ppm (per the FDA) but preferably look for brands with certification by CSA testing <10 ppm or <5ppm so that you have transparency behind gluten contamination risks. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Rudi's Gluten-Free Kids Scholarship Contest 2014

GlutenFreeG Contest

When Is Rudi's Summer Camp Contest?

Starting immediately from February 18 – March 18, the wonderful gluten-free and non-GMO brand, Rudi’s, is offering their second gluten-free (1 week) summer camp scholarship contest.

How Do Kids Apply For Gluten-Free Camp?

Families are encouraged to log-on to Facebook and (1) Like the page Rudi's Happy camper Facebook in the top right corner. (2) Then you can submit a 100-word essay from their kids about, “what makes them special” for a chance to win a one-week scholarship to attend a gluten-free overnight camp. The concept of a gluten-free camp is fairly new and they offer a targeted healthy, exciting experience to those kids with stable Celiac Disease or gluten intolerance at Camp Weekaneatit in Georgia or Gluten-Free Fun Camp in Minnesota. 

Contest Winner (10) 

Based on the uniqueness and thoughtful essay, Rudi’s plans to choose 10 winners, ranging in ages from 8-17, to have a gluten-free camp outing that is unlike any other camp in this world! Winners will be announced on April 2, 2014

I Buy Rudi's Gluten-Free Because:

I trust them for quality and taste, I do. For the past 35 years, based out of Colorado, they have offered a variety of gluten-free and non-Gmo breads, hot dog rolls, hamburger rolls, tortillas, pizza crusts, too. When I lived out in Denver for various years, Rudi's was everywhere and certainly that "hometown hero" and loyalty will always be deep in my background. I hope they continue to innovate and offer more nutrient dense healthier and tastier innovative breads as the competition grows and the market for gluten-free continues. When I go out and the party requires me to partake via bringing gluten-free breads, I trust that most grocery frozen departments such as Wholefoods and/or large supermarket chains will have Rudi's.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Shopping Gluten-Free Smart In 2014


Health Stores, Supermarkets & Online Marketplaces

The growth of gluten-free market place was inevitable from a Celiac perspective because we knew from the inside that gluten was a health concern beyond an auto-immune disease. Since food is a main stay in our society, we can't live without it, adaptation and survival of the fittest shows Darwin-istic tendencies from business to consumer. Now the mass population, curious and naive as they are (wink) witness gluten-free aisles, labels and promotions in their local stores and in their email, advertising popups and e-commerce online marketplaces and that's evolution for sure. 

  • QUESTION REMAINING: From growing business acquisitions that we read about in the press, can we find out why we still face average 30% higher prices for gluten-free foods?

Who Writes Articles on Gluten-Free Trends? (Inside vs Outside)

  1. NY Times - A Big Bet on Gluten-Free, has been written by those on the outside of the gluten-free movement focusing on business and not the legitimate 360 degree educational mission for gluten-free change forward. It's nice to receive the attention, but it's not actually helpful to the masses and their lack of health knowledge affects the Celiac movement negatively with their lack of support for us and insights into evolving gluten related and non-GMO health concerns.
  2. - Project Gluten-Free Market Growth Provides Incentive To Educate Yourself, was written by Tracy Grabowski  (gluten-free mom with three kids) from inside of the gluten-free movement supporting and promising health and educational reform. You'll see her pros/cons and holistic thinking and takeaways that enable us all to think about food in a new way for change.

  • QUESTION REMAINING: When will our main stream leaders and big budget corporations listen, research and adapt the innovative research that so many of doctors, scientists have published to help and educate the masses on gluten as well as GMOs?

Shop With Curiosity Not Your Hunger

The wild card here is that articles written by the masses, who don't have Celiac or are not inside the true gluten-free movement, cannot shed trustworthy light on gluten-free food sources, labeling, health and provide accurate suggestions to those who shop for gluten-free because they believe deep down gluten is still healthy! It's as easy as interviewing a few people on the street and analyzing their diet, lifestyle and health. How many products have you seen that include "newer" ingredients such as quinoa, buckwheat, chia, amaranth, flax, teff highlighting their unique health properties (iron, fiber, protein, omegas, etc) and many more but their cost is higher than corn, wheat or rice based products with very little nutrient levels? Many believe wheat and other gluten grains are healthy, but don't know how unhealthy gluten is to the majority of humans and other animals since they don't research or believe that mass media and large corporations could feed us crap, well... wake up.

99% of food manufacturers don't care about health, just profits. When will this business mantra change? Eating cheap, pre-packaged foods is nowhere in the mission of any Celiac gluten-free consumer, that's just an uneducated, ignorant lifestyle. Just because Bisquick creates a gluten-free product doesn't mean we should buy it immediately; we should be investigating the source ingredients selected, taste profile and brand mission vs competitors. We need the masses who join the bandwagon and/or have legitimate gluten-free health concerns to shop smart, not cheap, and support those companies who combine health, price and earth... there are many!

Gluten contamination in food, beverages and in restaurants continue to be an alarming issue. How can we trust restaurants or brands that don't verify through a third party? Since labeling has evolved over the years it seems that without a certified gluten-free label we will simply cannot trust anyone or a label. That's why you should support those that go the extra mile to invest in their own products (which costs money) for these 3rd party label certifications such as gluten-free, non GMO, organic, vegan, etc and call companies direct asking why they don't have a certification. 

  • QUESTION REMAINING: Can you share this article and others with a family or friend who previously didn't find the value of food education or perhaps is currently suffering from a confusing gluten related concern?

Monday, February 17, 2014

Gluten-Free Survival Tips For Newly Diagnosed

Congrats on becoming 100% gluten-free committed!

As a 17+ year diagnosed Celiac, I've learned a lot in my years. This is a brief synopsis of why you're truly lucky to have a gluten-free life commitment. Mine started with a food education that I received at age 14. Now it's your chance to learn the world behind the grocery store merchandising and sale promotions. You have an opportunity to treat your entire body (brain and gut health) along with family and friend's by simply developing a "what is that" food mind. No more putting food in your mouth because it smells good or everyone is eating it. That's silly and too easy, and you know it. Now you have to read the label and if you don't understand it... which most of us don't because our food is processed and made in a lab, dont' eat it. When foods have tons of weird name ingredients, and very long shelf lives, it's time to leave them where you found them. Trust me when I say learning the truth about how food is made in our world will change your life forever. 

Is Gluten A Trend?
Absolutely not. That's just a naive person who makes jokes about gluten such as Jimmy Kimmel and Rachel Ray Tv personality. They like others take advantage of the trend and then laugh about it and get caught, so don't support them. Watch Jimmy Kimmel and Rachel Ray laugh at Celiacs here.  Gluten is a major health concern that the USA has underplayed. the grains that contain gluten are not like those from early man the world has changed and humans have, too. The focus on gluten stems from a Celiac Disease diagnosis. Multiple food allergies, GMOs and other Rx drugs are believed to play a role in obesity and other health concerns and we all seek to analyze the connection of all of them, if any in years to come. 

What Is Celiac Disease?
Celiac Disease is an auto-immune disease that affects over 3 million Americans. If a Celiac were to consume gluten found in common grains such as bread, pasta, pastries, sauces, dressings, medicines, vitamins, lip balms, etc then there would be significant damage to the small intestine villi interfering with digestion and absorption. It is also believed that about 97% of Celiacs are not diagnosed, that's scary. Further, Celiac is an auto immune disease that is realized from two of three testing procedures: blood test, biopsy and DNA markers.

What Is A Food Allergy And Is Gluten Also A Food Allergy?
A food allergy is an auto immune response to a food protein. They are different from other responses to food such as a food intolerance or Celiac Disease. The body's immune system mistakenly identifies a protein as harmful. These symptoms could be mild or life threatening such as dermatitis, gastrointestinal, respiratory distress, and anaphylactic responses and there is no cure. You must avoid these food proteins 100% to live safely while preparing for the worst.  The common eight food allergens are wheat, soy, egg, peanut, milk, tree-nuts, fish and shellfish and as you can see gluten is not found in many of these proteins. Be sure to discuss your health with the appropriate doctor/s who can help you identify your symptoms and find a road to success.

Gluten Is Not An Allergy
Gluten is not a food allergy. At this point in time those with gluten as a trigger either have:

(A) Wheat Allergy - An allergy diagnosis, but not the below 
(B) Gluten Sensitivity Not Celiac Disease - Undiagnosed, but suffer from gluten is likely 
(C) Celiac Disease - Auto immune disease that is realized from two of three: blood test, biopsy and DNA markers.

What Is the Cure Or Treatment For Celiac Disease? 
Just avoid eating gluten 100% including the risk of gluten contamination found in your home kitchen silverware, pots, pans, sink and cutting boards along with the high risk from restaurant kitchens. You take these precautions and you should be living a carefree, wonderful, healthy life. There is no cure at this time and frankly, who cares?  Obtaining a complete food education and watching our world turn to gluten-free, organic and non-GMO food supply is an exciting journey to be part of physically and mentally. Your life should forever improve.

Tell Me More About What Is Gluten? 
Gluten is a amino acid (protein) found in grains such as wheat, barely, ryes and related grain family tree species. Gluten has been over manufactured, especially in USA,  by the super powers as it has properties of elasticity for cooking that other gluten-free grains do not have. Hence, why a common person would believe that gluten containing baked goods appear to the eye as having a more full, flavorful and aroma perhaps. On the contrary combining gluten-free flours and other common baking ingredients would yield a tasty, aromatic baked good as well.

What Must I Know About Celiac Disease And Gluten-Free Living? 
There are four educational tips that will help change your world and those in your life who care for you. All health benefits and nutritional living fall within these high level concepts:

     1. Learn about Celiac Disease
     2. Learn the list of Gluten-Free grains
     3. Learn the list of Gluten containing foods and hidden gluten due to bad labeling
     4. Risks of contamination at home, restaurants and packaged goods in the grocery

List of Gluten-Free Grains And Common Foods 
Quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, millet, sorghum, corn, rice, potato, teff, flax, tapioca, oats (however oats are usually contaminated at the mill with wheat so be careful to only purchase certified gluten-free oats). In addition vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, legumes, fish and meats are all naturally gluten-free. That's basically all living food ingredients :) except the risk of some grains and contaminated foods from these foods.

List of Grains Containing Gluten And Common Foods To Avoid 
Gluten is found in common grains such as wheat, barely, barley extract, rye in addition to bran, bulgur, couscous, kamut, farino, faro, kamut, matzo meal, orzo, panko, semolina, spelt, triticale, udon and other lesser known. Avoid all breads, baked goods, pastries, ice cream, sodas, chips, dips, salsas, marinades, etc that do not have a gluten-free certification or trusted labeling. These foods 9.9 out of 10 will be gluten based. Do not ever assume a food is gluten-free without an official gluten-free certification or thorough gluten-free self certification. Be safe and call the company or search for gluten free tested and approved products before consuming. It's a little bit extra work to eat at first, but then you'll learn and be more educated. Gluten-free these days is much easier than 20 years ago. (See below)

What Is A Gluten-Free Certification? 
The Gluten-Free logo stands for the independent verification of quality, integrity and purity of gluten-free products. You can't just slab any label on a product as it must according to the FDA be tested under <20 ppm or face risks. Find a list of certified gluten-free products.  Other trusted and independent laboratories may test for gluten <10 ppm or <5 ppm for those Celiacs who believe they may react to <20 ppm gluten.

Celiac Spru Association
  • CSA is for < 5 ppm 
Gluten Free Certfication Corporation
  • GFCO is for < 10 ppm
Food & Drug Administration (USA)
  • FDA is for < 20 ppm

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Bella Gluten-Free Product Review

    About Bella's Gluten-Free Dry Flour Mixes

    Chef Mary Capone (aka Chef Bella) and I met in Boulder, Colorado at a Naturally Boulder meet up for an exciting food co-packer, Kitchen Coop. There were a variety of baked goods, pastries and the rumor was they were all gluten-free, but I inquired further (as always) to ensure they were Celiac friendly (and not some fake gluten-free product that isn't safe for those with Celiac Disease.