Monday, January 19, 2015

Is wheat grass gluten-free or what?

Honestly, I don't find joy telling you or myself to NOT consume something. Life is short and do you really want to be sick and unhealthy your whole life? I don't take those risks. I take other life thrills like bungee jumping, running and hiking 14er mountains and challenging myself when snowboarding, or through regular work day adventures...

Monday, January 5, 2015

What's Your Meaning Of Gluten-Free?

Is this gluten-free?

This is a complicated yet easy question to analyze. Something either has gluten or it doesn't right?  However, we don't live in a homogenous style world... Not in the USA and not in any kitchen. Therefore people will believe what they choose and live how they decide that's best for their health, wealth and lifestyle, period. Regardless of someone's health symptoms, financials, and equality overall, each of us chooses to smile, laugh or frown, live in pain, we live in distress and sometimes we see things that we believe are correct, despite our body or others telling something different. We argue and we quarrel, but do we learn and change?  Most of the time, I would assume yes, but ask yourself this question? With that said, I ask you if you truly believe that you're living a gluten-free life or if you're just living your life by reducing some of this and some of that.

  • Do you have gluten in your house and use the same silverware, cutting boards & pots? 
  • Do you have a dishwasher and do you clean with a dedicated gluten-free sponge? 

Perhaps you believe that you feel better when you reduce some gluten or reduce wheat or dairy, but the truth is the never ending education on each is great, so have you invested in your ongoing food education?  Some admit they haven't, some believe they have, but I encourage you to keep reading, and opening yourself or others to learn about why and how you feel and challenge yourself, family and friends to be healthier by being gluten-free smarter.

Is this gluten-free?

Is this gluten-free?

Is this gluten-free?

Is this gluten-free?

FDA guides brands to declare gluten-free if products have been verified <20 ppm gluten contamination, and that's microscopic! However, this isn't enough as most Celiacs believe they react and show symptoms on a committed gluten-free lifestyle. Personally, I eat no gluten-free and the risks I must take I carefully monitor by body and get blood checks throughout the year to see if my body's gluten antibodies are active. There are other testing <10ppm and <5ppm and hopefully the FDA will lower their standards so that the entire community can change forward.  Who do you trust and where do you find resources? The truth is it's impossible to know if  anything is gluten-free because the farm, processing, packaging, fulfillment and handling supply chain contaminate everything. It's true.  Therefore, eating legit farm fresh, home grown and made is your best way of living the way humans did before processed and packaged goods. Truth is the truth.

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