Here is a public service holiday + new years + gluten-free movement message to the entire community who eat food to survive. Ya that is definitely you. You are indeed what you eat and you are capable of controlling your actions, specifically late night snacking (speaking to myself). Eating healthier does not only benefit your entire-ness, but your individual parts like the heart, overall weight and walk forward and it inadvertently affects the people around and the dominoes that surround. Take a tip from the gluten-free movement, learn what's in your foods, each ingredient on that listing and if it's too long you probabyl shouldn't eat it because it's all processed crap. Take a second to realize that when there is so much fillers in the foods you eat, you're not eating anything real, but food that is "made" in a factory. Challenge yourself to enjoy more natural foods, that dont' have the fake man-made box ingredients and taste real food that your ancestors survived on. Then go enjoy the wii and the ipod and the new car.