There have been lots of chatter about gluten-free "diets" and "lifestyles"and whether they are healthy or not; Reference Wall Street Journal article. Together, let's review the food basics to help clear the air and educate each other on why the gluten-free lifestyle (when done correctly) is your road to a healthy, smart and long life ahead. To elaborate, the following foods were created on the planet Earth without gluten. Gluten-free lifestyle choices are the healthiest and most likely the only, truly sustainable "diet" on the planet Earth...
Showing posts with label gluten-free awareness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gluten-free awareness. Show all posts
Monday, June 23, 2014
The Gluten Free Craze - Is it healthy?
There have been lots of chatter about gluten-free "diets" and "lifestyles"and whether they are healthy or not; Reference Wall Street Journal article. Together, let's review the food basics to help clear the air and educate each other on why the gluten-free lifestyle (when done correctly) is your road to a healthy, smart and long life ahead. To elaborate, the following foods were created on the planet Earth without gluten. Gluten-free lifestyle choices are the healthiest and most likely the only, truly sustainable "diet" on the planet Earth...
Monday, February 17, 2014
Gluten-Free Survival Tips For Newly Diagnosed

As a 17+ year diagnosed Celiac, I've learned a lot in my years. This is a brief synopsis of why you're truly lucky to have a gluten-free life commitment. Mine started with a food education that I received at age 14. Now it's your chance to learn the world behind the grocery store merchandising and sale promotions. You have an opportunity to treat your entire body (brain and gut health) along with family and friend's by simply developing a "what is that" food mind. No more putting food in your mouth because it smells good or everyone is eating it. That's silly and too easy, and you know it. Now you have to read the label and if you don't understand it... which most of us don't because our food is processed and made in a lab, dont' eat it. When foods have tons of weird name ingredients, and very long shelf lives, it's time to leave them where you found them. Trust me when I say learning the truth about how food is made in our world will change your life forever.
Is Gluten A Trend?
Absolutely not. That's just a naive person who makes jokes about gluten such as Jimmy Kimmel and Rachel Ray Tv personality. They like others take advantage of the trend and then laugh about it and get caught, so don't support them. Watch Jimmy Kimmel and Rachel Ray laugh at Celiacs here. Gluten is a major health concern that the USA has underplayed. the grains that contain gluten are not like those from early man the world has changed and humans have, too. The focus on gluten stems from a Celiac Disease diagnosis. Multiple food allergies, GMOs and other Rx drugs are believed to play a role in obesity and other health concerns and we all seek to analyze the connection of all of them, if any in years to come.
What Is Celiac Disease?
Celiac Disease is an auto-immune disease that affects over 3 million Americans. If a Celiac were to consume gluten found in common grains such as bread, pasta, pastries, sauces, dressings, medicines, vitamins, lip balms, etc then there would be significant damage to the small intestine villi interfering with digestion and absorption. It is also believed that about 97% of Celiacs are not diagnosed, that's scary. Further, Celiac is an auto immune disease that is realized from two of three testing procedures: blood test, biopsy and DNA markers.
What Is A Food Allergy And Is Gluten Also A Food Allergy?
A food allergy is an auto immune response to a food protein. They are different from other responses to food such as a food intolerance or Celiac Disease. The body's immune system mistakenly identifies a protein as harmful. These symptoms could be mild or life threatening such as dermatitis, gastrointestinal, respiratory distress, and anaphylactic responses and there is no cure. You must avoid these food proteins 100% to live safely while preparing for the worst. The common eight food allergens are wheat, soy, egg, peanut, milk, tree-nuts, fish and shellfish and as you can see gluten is not found in many of these proteins. Be sure to discuss your health with the appropriate doctor/s who can help you identify your symptoms and find a road to success.
Gluten Is Not An Allergy
Gluten is not a food allergy. At this point in time those with gluten as a trigger either have:
(A) Wheat Allergy - An allergy diagnosis, but not the below
(B) Gluten Sensitivity Not Celiac Disease - Undiagnosed, but suffer from gluten is likely
(C) Celiac Disease - Auto immune disease that is realized from two of three: blood test, biopsy and DNA markers.
What Is the Cure Or Treatment For Celiac Disease?
Just avoid eating gluten 100% including the risk of gluten contamination found in your home kitchen silverware, pots, pans, sink and cutting boards along with the high risk from restaurant kitchens. You take these precautions and you should be living a carefree, wonderful, healthy life. There is no cure at this time and frankly, who cares? Obtaining a complete food education and watching our world turn to gluten-free, organic and non-GMO food supply is an exciting journey to be part of physically and mentally. Your life should forever improve.
Tell Me More About What Is Gluten?
Gluten is a amino acid (protein) found in grains such as wheat, barely, ryes and related grain family tree species. Gluten has been over manufactured, especially in USA, by the super powers as it has properties of elasticity for cooking that other gluten-free grains do not have. Hence, why a common person would believe that gluten containing baked goods appear to the eye as having a more full, flavorful and aroma perhaps. On the contrary combining gluten-free flours and other common baking ingredients would yield a tasty, aromatic baked good as well.
What Must I Know About Celiac Disease And Gluten-Free Living?
There are four educational tips that will help change your world and those in your life who care for you. All health benefits and nutritional living fall within these high level concepts:
1. Learn about Celiac Disease
2. Learn the list of Gluten-Free grains
3. Learn the list of Gluten containing foods and hidden gluten due to bad labeling
4. Risks of contamination at home, restaurants and packaged goods in the grocery
List of Gluten-Free Grains And Common Foods

Quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, millet, sorghum, corn, rice, potato, teff, flax, tapioca, oats (however oats are usually contaminated at the mill with wheat so be careful to only purchase certified gluten-free oats). In addition vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, legumes, fish and meats are all naturally gluten-free. That's basically all living food ingredients :) except the risk of some grains and contaminated foods from these foods.
List of Grains Containing Gluten And Common Foods To Avoid

Gluten is found in common grains such as wheat, barely, barley extract, rye in addition to bran, bulgur, couscous, kamut, farino, faro, kamut, matzo meal, orzo, panko, semolina, spelt, triticale, udon and other lesser known. Avoid all breads, baked goods, pastries, ice cream, sodas, chips, dips, salsas, marinades, etc that do not have a gluten-free certification or trusted labeling. These foods 9.9 out of 10 will be gluten based. Do not ever assume a food is gluten-free without an official gluten-free certification or thorough gluten-free self certification. Be safe and call the company or search for gluten free tested and approved products before consuming. It's a little bit extra work to eat at first, but then you'll learn and be more educated. Gluten-free these days is much easier than 20 years ago. (See below)
What Is A Gluten-Free Certification?

The Gluten-Free logo stands for the independent verification of quality, integrity and purity of gluten-free products. You can't just slab any label on a product as it must according to the FDA be tested under <20 ppm or face risks. Find a list of certified gluten-free products. Other trusted and independent laboratories may test for gluten <10 ppm or <5 ppm for those Celiacs who believe they may react to <20 ppm gluten.
Celiac Spru Association
- CSA is for < 5 ppm
Gluten Free Certfication Corporation
- GFCO is for < 10 ppm
Food & Drug Administration (USA)
- FDA is for < 20 ppm
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Gluten & The Brain, Gut & Autoimmune Disease - Watch The Gluten Summit
If you hadn't watched the first round of The Gluten Summit, now is your time. This is for everyone to learn from even if you're already in an awesome and successful gluten-free and Celiac lifestyle. Or if you don't feel well you may have a non diagnosed, non Celiac gluten issue that effects different parts of your body from brain to auto immune possibly. Gluten is not good for human beings! This webinar can be bought or watched immediately today for free for a limited time so watch them today! Here are the top 5 videos to learn about diagnosis, treatment and change for the future to live healthier and you just need to register via email to gain access:
- Why the Early Stages of Celiac Disease Must be Taken Seriously - Michael Marsh
- Properly Testing for Gluten Sensitivity and Why Current Methods Fail - Aristo Vojdani
- Are You Developing an Autoimmune Disease Years Before Symptoms? - Yehuda Schoenfeld
- The Reality of Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity and its Many Manifestations - Umberto Volta
- Eliminating Gluten as the 1st Step in Preventing Brain Conditions - David Perlmutter
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
National Restaurant News Trending Gluten-Free 2014 Popularity
Gluten-Free is trending? No way! I suppose that's an improvement from the latter. Most of us know that gluten-free isn't a trend and that avoiding gluten, especially wheat, enables our body and mind to literally be healthier and be in tune without atrophy and irregular auto-immune responses. If gluten-free is truly being messaged more to the masses, it's time to really learn what gluten is and what it's doing to most of our bodies? (see below)
For mass market America who is always late to the party, we should accept this as another move into the right direction as National Restaurant Association's 2014 trend shares with mass America.
Note: Always hold restaurants who claim gluten-free options accountable to provide (A) All gluten-free food ingredients from manufacturer sources (B) no gluten contamination from the kitchen where gluten is often in the air, on cutting boards, utensils, pots, pans, chef aprons and from other wait staff during the wild occurrences in most restaurants kitchens and dining rooms.
Dr. Osborne helps to inform human beings of the harmful effects of gluten, not just wheat. Why? The more the mass public educates themselves or is shown through various mass editorial that gluten-free is important, they'll eventually understand why. See some of Dr Osborne lectures and associates explain the real concerns of gluten in your diet.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Interviewed by Extend Nutrition on GF Snacks
Gluten-free snacks gain momentum during Allergy Awareness Month
Extend Nutrition confirms gluten-free status of bars, crisps, drizzles and shakes
“We recognize the need for healthy, gluten-free snacks and foods, and have developed a line that is both gluten-free and healthy.” - Jonathan Lindberg, Extend Nutrition outreach manager.

“I read every ingredient and always have a few gently asked questions to ask a human being before I purchase or put anything into my body,” he said.
Craig has celiac disease, an autoimmune digestive condition that causes damage to the small intestines and interferes with the absorption of nutrients from food. The disease is triggered by the consumption of gluten, which is found in wheat, barley and rye.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Dear Gluten-Free consumers and/or those who have ever heard of the Gluten-Free lifestyle movement,
The gluten-free movement has grown albeit entering near mainstream, is at a pivotal moment for improvement or destruction to our health. I need not scare you, but I challenge you to educate yourself more fully about gluten-free food ingredients and manufacturer preparation.
Gluten is the common name for the proteins in specific grains that are harmful to persons with Celiac Disease. These proteins are found in ALL forms of wheat (including durum, semolina, spelt, kamut, einkorn and faro) and related grains rye, barley and triticale and MUST be eliminated. Celiac Disease (CD) is a lifelong inherited autoimmune condition affecting children and adults. When people with CD eat foods that contain gluten, it creates an immune-mediated toxic reaction that causes damage to the small intestine and does not allow food to be properly absorbed. Even small amounts of gluten in foods can affect those with CD and cause health problems.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Rudi's QA Interview w/ Gluten Free G!
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Click here for article
Please check out RUDI's Organic Bakery - interview with Gluten Free G and comment on their page. I see this as the perks of Gluten-Free living :)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Chef Damian J Cardone calls Gluten Free Diners Idiots
This Colorado chef Damian Cardone, who people have trusted to cook food for with allergies, sensitivities, etc posts on his Facebook that he has purposely poisoned innocent gluten free patrons with gluten pasta after they requested a gluten free meal.
Perhaps, the most disturbing chef related story ever reported to date that I am aware of. Imagine yourself, going to a restaurant and trusting them with your life, only to find out that the chef doesn't believe you actually have an allergy and could poison you, at worst kill you!!!
I must admit this hurts the Gluten Free Community immediately. How can we trust certain companies, manufacturers and chefs when this comes out to the public. It's important though, that all trust is NOT lost because we know there are so many great companies, small and large, who do care, unlike Damian Cardone. But please, be wary, more careful than ever before.
This news has it the gluten free community turned UP SIDE DOWN and this will not be the last of the repercussions around what is in store for this uneducated, inconsiderate, ruthless individual who may have an illness of his own. We can only hope that someone can find him, speak with him and understand why he has hate, distrust and malicious behavior wrapped up in his life.
Our community leaders asks that you re-post, re-tweet and report Damien Cardone's story to your local bloggers, restaurant owners and of course any TV news providers as soon as possible to help us put a stop to this man's efforts to poison innocent people and have him never work again in the food, beverage and hospitality industries.
Here is a link to view the Facebook post and see it for yourself. I also have many screen shots of the post, his page and his info.
Perhaps, the most disturbing chef related story ever reported to date that I am aware of. Imagine yourself, going to a restaurant and trusting them with your life, only to find out that the chef doesn't believe you actually have an allergy and could poison you, at worst kill you!!!
I must admit this hurts the Gluten Free Community immediately. How can we trust certain companies, manufacturers and chefs when this comes out to the public. It's important though, that all trust is NOT lost because we know there are so many great companies, small and large, who do care, unlike Damian Cardone. But please, be wary, more careful than ever before.
This news has it the gluten free community turned UP SIDE DOWN and this will not be the last of the repercussions around what is in store for this uneducated, inconsiderate, ruthless individual who may have an illness of his own. We can only hope that someone can find him, speak with him and understand why he has hate, distrust and malicious behavior wrapped up in his life.
Our community leaders asks that you re-post, re-tweet and report Damien Cardone's story to your local bloggers, restaurant owners and of course any TV news providers as soon as possible to help us put a stop to this man's efforts to poison innocent people and have him never work again in the food, beverage and hospitality industries.
Here is a link to view the Facebook post and see it for yourself. I also have many screen shots of the post, his page and his info.
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