Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Trader Joe's Is Committed To FDA Gluten-Free Claims But There Are Risks

Hey, Trader Joe's, WTF?

As a leader in the "natural" grocery world, what's the deal Trader Joe's?

I've called, emailed, tweeted and spoke to store manager/s and asked them the same question... I'm so confused with all of your random g and gluten free labels that I don't know whom/what to trust. Why are you flip flopping and sort of kinda encouraging the gluten-free fad diet movement after all of the health movements showing gluten is a real concern? Therefore, I asked them, "Do you test your gluten-free products to verify your gluten-free claims on your labels?" The answer has been in the recent months, "yes and no"...


Due to the FDA guidelines they're recently guaranteeing all Trader Joe's "gluten-free" labeled products are indeed tested <20 ppm and stand behind those claims with all of their co-packing partners. They work with a variety of partners on all of their Trader Joe's named products therefore it's a lot of time, resources and finances but they're following the FDA's guideline going forward. However, if you're a diagnosed Celiac and believe that you may still have a reaction to gluten <20 ppm then find other products that are certified gluten-free under <10 ppm or < 5ppm. 


This g was invented 15 or so years ago for the fad diet, gluten-free, that we all know is not a fad, but a legitimate health concern. Therefore, when you pick up the no gluten ingredient list inside their store you better read carefully, because this means there is a major risk of cross contamination and you should not buy these products if you're a Celiac, gluten intolerant, wheat allergy or believe that gluten has a risk to your health (all of us). They are not abolishing this labeling because it's the forefront of their identity and claim it was one of their first labeling geniuses (or lack thereof) unless we continue to ask them to remove it!


Yes. If you make your opinion count! Now that you know the truth, make smarter shopping decisions and let them know you will shop there if they continue to validate their gluten-free claims. But also tell them that this no gluten ingredient labeling is simply garbage and a terrible fad of the past. Why? People who eat a little gluten or a lot still can get very ill and that's the reality of cross contamination as it's not being tested and therefore you, family or friend's health are all at risk with this poor attempt at protecting the health of the consumers of the world.  You don't always have to see or feel a symptom of gluten, there could be atrophy or auto-immune silent reactions internally and that's dangerous!

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